A Professional Mold Inspection Before Considering Buying or Selling a Home Near Westlock, Alberta Will Prove Invaluable Peace of Mind

If you’re in search of the most trusted mold inspection near me in Westlock, Alberta, Pillar To Post™ is a pioneer in the home inspection industry with state-of-the-art technology and knowledgeable professionals at our disposal. Mold is a potentially toxic fungus that can result in health issues in certain individuals and pets and wreak havoc on your home’s structural integrity.

Mold testing is beneficial for current homeowners and future buyers and sellers seeking to preserve their investment and their families. Take advantage of the premier mold inspection service in your area and achieve confidence knowing the things most important in life are taken care of by scheduling a mold inspection with Pillar To Post™.

How Will Mold Impact My Residence and Family?

Mold is a kind of fungus that develops in dark and moist environments, and is commonly found inside houses with abundant moisture. It can manifest in a variety of colors, from black and green to white and orange, and thrives in areas that have high humidity, water leaks, and poor airflow. It can grow on various surfaces, including walls, ceilings, floors, carpets, and even clothing. A mold inspector will typically inspect for signs of leaks and water in a house to identify the likeliest catalyst for any mold growth.

While most types of mold are benign, others have been known to cause health issues, especially for individuals who are at risk. Individuals with allergies, asthma, or weakened immune systems may suffer symptoms such as a stuffy nose, coughing, chest pain, and skin irritation. Animals are sometimes affected by mold, experiencing symptoms of respiratory distress, vomiting, and digestive issues. Black mold is of particular concern in Westlock, Alberta and an important component of a professional mold inspection will be to identify the species present to grasp the risk and develop a plan for mitigation.

It’s ok if you're concerned for the well-being of yourself or your loved ones and ask questions relating to the effect of mold exposure. One question our mold inspectors are often asked is if they're able to assess a person for contact with mold? We are not able to offer that as a portion of our mold inspection service, but there are a variety of ways it can be performed by your doctor, including dermal, blood, and urine testing.

While mold may not typically present a large risk to the health of most people, it’s particularly detrimental for many common construction materials found inside of homes. Mold spores infest and eat plant-based materials and ruin in a relatively short period. Some cellulose or plant-based components used and stored inside of buildings are:

  • Drywall
  • Wood
  • Carpet
  • Insulation
  • Ceiling tiles
  • Wallpaper
  • Fabrics
  • Upholstery
  • Some Painted surfaces
  • Paper
  • Cardboard
  • And More

Mold testing can identify the species and reveal the source of moisture contributing to a growth inside of your current home or the one you’re thinking about buying. A frequent request posed to mold inspectors at Pillar To Post™ is if we are able to test a person for mold poisoning. That cannot be determined by our mold inspection service but can be done by your doctor with blood and skin testing. A proficient mold inspection will offer you more power in your home-selling negotiations or give you more insight into the quality of your investment and the well-being of occupants when buying a house.

You’ll Recognize the Benefits From the Attention to Detail and All-Encompassing Actions of Our Mold Inspectors

A professional mold inspection service is your ideal resource to identify the extent of mold infestation and create a remediation plan going forward. Mold testing with Pillar To Post™ comes with the benefit of the top technology and techniques in the industry for added confidence. The way your mold inspector performs testing may vary from house to house, but will typically involve the following:

  • Initial Assessment: The mold inspector from Pillar To Post™ collects data about the property, any established mold issues, and your worries during the initial consultation to create a plan for mold testing.
  • Visual Inspection: A complete visual evaluation of the house is conducted, including around both the interior and exterior areas. The mold inspector examines for observable signs of mold growth, water leakage, and other moisture issues using specialized equipment like moisture meters and thermal imaging cameras to identify areas of potential moisture intrusion.
  • Moisture detection: Knowing moisture content in areas around the property is crucial in identifying likely sources of mold growth. Hygrometers and other tools are used to evaluate the moisture levels of building materials and locate areas with high humidity or water intrusion behind walls, under flooring, or in other concealed areas. Infrared equipment may be used to pinpoint areas where mold colonization may be happening.
  • Air Sampling: Mold testing may involve air samples to be gathered from different areas of the home using advanced equipment. The air samples will be submitted to a lab for assessment to establish the type and concentration of mold spores detected in the air.
  • Surface Sampling: The inspector may also obtain surface samples from spaces of the property where mold is presumed. These samples will be submitted to a lab for assessment to establish the type of mold detected.
  • Documentation and Reporting: An in-depth report will be provided to clients after the mold inspection is complete, including any areas of the home where mold was detected, the kind of mold present, and suggestions for remediation.
  • Recommendations and Remediation Plan: If mold is discovered, the inspector may supply suggestions for mold cleanup, which may involve hiring a professional mold remediation company. They may suggest steps to alleviate moisture intrusions, improve airflow, and prevent future mold growth.
  • Follow-up and Clearance Testing: After mitigation efforts, the inspector may execute a secondary examination to ensure that the mold problem has been adequately addressed. Validation testing may be carried out to verify that the indoor environment meets permissible mold spore levels and is safe for occupants.
  • Education and Prevention: The inspector guides the client about mold prevention measures, including proper airflow, moisture control, and care procedures.

Is There Anything I Have To Know To Prepare for a Mold Inspection?

You do not need to do much in preparation for a mold inspection apart from guaranteeing that your inspector can readily access parts of the house where you suspect mold growth. It is also recommended to arrange for pets to be outside of the house during the inspection period to ensure that the results of the test are not influenced by pet dander or additional allergens.

A few things we recommend you do not do are:

  • Do not clean or disturb any parts within the property where you suspect mold to be present.
  • Do not utilize any air purifiers or air filters during the testing day, as these may alter the results of the test.
  • If feasible, avoid cooking, smoking, or utilizing any chemical-releasing products for a minimum of 24 hours prior to the test. This precaution helps ensure that the test data is not influenced by other airborne contaminants.

It is also recommended you keep all windows and doors closed for at least 12 hours prior to the test. This step guarantees that the air within the house remains motionless and accurately represents the usual indoor air quality. By adhering to these recommendations, you will boost the accuracy of your mold inspection service and examination.

Get a Hold of Pillar To Post™ in Westlock, Alberta Now

Mold can establish itself quickly within a home and degrade many building materials and household belongings. The fungus also poses a potential health hazard to at-risk individuals and animals. When searching for mold inspection near me in Westlock, Alberta, choose Pillar To Post™ to ensure the most precise findings and a well-defined path forward for cleanup. Protect your assets and occupants by booking an appointment for mold testing online or by calling 800-294-5591 today.